Running with the wind

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It has been quite windy all over the country and it can create a multitude of challenges. When you are running, biking or hiking into the wind it can feel like you are being pushed in the chest and your pace comes to a crawl while your effort just keeps increasing! The wind also makes the air feel cooler than it is. Wind in the winter is cold and learning to manage recreating in high winds takes time and patience. For some using indoor cardio equipment makes your workout a bit more boring but also easier. If you are going to head out into the wind here are some tips to keep you smiling!

  • Layer! You will want to have a wind shell, mittens or gloves, sunglasses, maybe a hat and depending on how cold it is a warm jacket and hand warmers. Having multiple layers allows you to adjust when you get too warm or cold and the wind either picks up or slows down.
  • Make it fun! Headwinds are tough, sometimes a side wind can be brutal too. Use this as an opportunity to view it as resistance training. It will be more work but do your best and adjust your body position if you are on the bike and maintain good running form. You never know if it will be windy at your event so this will prepare you emotionally and physically to deal with it.
  • Love the tailwinds! Who doesn’t love a good tailwind! Embrace feeling the wind assist you in moving forward! Tailwinds are so playful and make you feel super human!
  • Be safe! You know your personal comfort zones. If you are in the wilderness or mountains be sure to have a bailout plan and always watch the weather. Wind can be dangerous so on days with high wind you may want to choose a route that is below tree line or closer to roads.

Remember, you can’t control the weather but you can control your attitude. Look at adversity as a challenge that will help you become stronger. The days that have the biggest struggles are the ones that help us grow and become stronger.

Have fun and enjoy the magic of nature!

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