Consistency is the Key to Success

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At some point in our lives, we may feel overwhelmed. When the scales tip too far in one direction, it creates stress that can grow until we regain balance. Life happens, and sometimes tipping the scales is unavoidable—caring for a sick family member, meeting career deadlines, or juggling too many commitments. Often, we put our personal needs on hold, pouring all our energy into everything but our well-being.

Without taking daily time for yourself, exhaustion sets in. Mental health declines, sleep becomes disrupted, and unhealthy food and habits creep in. When this happens, it’s time to hit the brakes. Life might not allow for full workouts or activities that fulfill you emotionally, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop entirely.

Find ten minutes a day for yourself. This could include a walk, a few yoga poses, reading, art, or meditating. Try to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Taking just a few minutes daily can restore balance and maintain consistency in self-care.

Feeling overwhelmed may make it seem impossible to carve out ten minutes, but look closely at your day. Do you spend more than ten minutes scrolling the internet, sitting in the break room, or watching TV? Use part of your lunch break for a walk, eat on the move, or invite co-workers for a midday stroll. If you have kids, bring them on a family walk. It might not be alone time, but it’s still movement—and every step counts!

When life gives you more time again, the consistency you maintained will make it easier to return to your sport and keep your fitness level intact. Completely stopping can make restarting harder. Never feel bad about decreasing your time spent on endurance sports. Instead, appreciate what you can do, even if it’s just ten minutes. Consistency, no matter how small, builds self-worth and a sense of accomplishment.

If you need a little help finding time…

I can help you create a schedule that decreases your stress and gives you accountability, even if you only have ten minutes a day.

Achieve more with less TIME