The Coaches Corner

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For the beginner athlete

I was once a beginner and I understand how intimidating it can be to put yourself out on the big stage.  You know, the gym, exercising in public, the fear of being seen….  It is hard to let go of that but you can and I want to help you.

Being healthy has nothing to do with how you look or how fast you are.  You can exercise and have fun.  You don’t have to be serious either! There are group runs for all abilities and coaches who would love to help teach you how to work out.  

You can learn to enjoy lifting weights, joining in on that group run or fitness class or even entering a race!  If you would like some help but don’t know where to start you can always reach out and chat with me.

You can also sign up for my newsletter and social media accounts where I will share tips for you to get in shape….whatever shape you choose to be ❤️ -Kristina